Resilient Waters is working to advance best practices at the intersection of flood infrastructure, fish passage, climate change, ecosystems, and land use. We are advancing this through collaborative research projects, webinars and workshops, and a collection of resources from others.

Evaluating Fish Passage through Flood Infrastructure
We are actively researching fish passage through three different types of floodgates on the Coquitlam River in ƛ̓éxÉ™tÉ™m Regional Park (Colony Farm Regional Park). The study compares a rare automated floodgate with a typical top mounted floodgate and a side mounted gate using novel and innovative which lets us see each individual salmon's success in passing at the floodgates. The research is being done in a partnership with UBC Pacific Salmon Lab, kÊ·ikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), and Metro Vancouver Parks.
Resources on Flood Infrastructure and Salmon
A report from the two day workshop from June 2019 that summarizes the issue of flood infrastructure and fish passage from a cross-sector perspective within the Lower Fraser. The workshop was hosted by Watershed Watch Salmon Society
The ELC paper examines the legal requirements to manage fish and fish habitat and makes six recommendations to improve flood management infrastructure.
The problem and solutions to fish passage by flood and tide gates
The problem with and solutions to pumpstations and fish passage