Resilient Waters catalyzes collaborative flood resilience projects and research with local governments, First Nations, and others impacted by flood risk in the lower mainland. We offer a capacity boost to support flood resilient projects whether its bringing people together, facilitating conversations, technical expertise, or fundraising wherever the need to change flood infrastructure aligns with communities' needs and restoring salmon habitat.
Why it Matters
At the beginning of the most prolific salmon river in the world, over 1,500 kilometers of crucial salmon habitat are blocked by aging floodgates, pump stations, and dikes. Many of these structures need to be upgraded or modified to prepare communities for climate change impacts, particularly flooding and sea level rise. First Nations are hit hardest as salmon are fundamental to culture, economy, and food security, and most First Nation reserves are in the floodplain. Farmers and the local food we rely on are also at high risk of flood.
Resilient Waters is an intervention to address these overlapping issues by bringing together all who are affected to generate transformative solutions to benefit communities and ecosystems.